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Highlights from NAHU Annual Convention in San Diego


In the August issue of Cal Broker magazine we’ll share much, much more with you about the NAHU convention. But here are a few nuggets just for Insider News readers….

First and foremost: We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention our encounter with Frank MICdroppa, “chairman of the board” of Walk On Clinic (aka the inimitable Mr. Chris Yarn). MICdroppa is almost too good to be true. Just watch!

Saturday’s keynote speaker was Retired Master Sergeant Cedric King. There aren’t enough words to convey the respect we have for this guy.  He lost both legs after stepping on an IED in an Afghan village. He’s a father, a husband and one heck of a speaker after fighting to learn to walk again using prosthetics. He’s even climbed mountains and run marathons! We’re happy to discover that the Gary Sinise Foundation generously awarded King a smart home.

Something else everyone should know about: NAHU will soon be hosting a mental health benefits portal! A vast amount of resources — including places to refer those who need to access care — will soon be available. Stay tuned! Our August issue will also address mental health benefits.

The newly elected NAHU secretary is Eric Kohlsdorf from Iowa. Congrats Eric!

Region 8 — which includes California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Hawaii, Alaska and Brazil– sort of rules. We have the most NAHU members and some of the most active participants. So that’s good. But NAHU is working on expanding membership offerings and getting all you “I-don’t-have-time-for-associations” people on board.

Is Price Transparency Worth It?

President Trump has instructed federal agencies to use their authority  to develop federal rules requiring disclosure of hospital prices in consumer-friendly, electronic form. Folks at the recent NAHU convention in San Diego were focused on how agents and brokers might be a part of this process. But this week the Commonwealth Fund’s David Blumenthal, M.D., Lovisa Gustafsson, and Shanoor Seervai hash out the pros and cons in Harvard Business Review. The authors say there are caveats, but transparency is still worth trying. Read the whole article here.

Colonial Life and Trupo Collab Offers Freelancer Products

Colonial Life announced a partnership with insurtech Trupo to launch three new insurance products for freelancers in New York. Freelancers can sign up for accident insurance and specified disease and cancer insurance. A spokesperson for Colonial Life says that while this partnership is beginning small, with three
financial protection products only in New York, the companies hope to broaden the offer to other products and other areas in the months and years to come. We’ll keep our ears open for California news!


New HRA Option for Employee Health Insurance

Robert Bloink and William H. Byrnes have a post up on ThinkAdvisor about the new HRA option. The new rules are detailed and complex. It’s worth the read!


U.S. Employers Prioritizing Leave Management Nearly Doubles Since 2014

 In its fourth biennial study, Guardian Absence Management Activity IndexSM and Study–”The Value of Leave Management Integration,” The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America®, finds more companies than ever are prioritizing leave management. The recently released study shows the proliferation of new and proposed state paid family and medical leave laws has focused employer attention on compliance and absence policies, and companies continue to step up their absence-management efforts.

Guardian’s Absence Management Activity IndexSM and Study measures the effectiveness of employer leave management activities and best practice adoption, such as return-to-work programs and reporting. This year’s study found taking a more holistic approach through broad benefit offerings, centralization and an underlying focus on the employee experience positively impact companies’ leave management outcomes.

Compared with the 2014 study, nearly twice as many companies say leadership places a high priority on leave management and reducing absenteeism. Employers have become more mindful of the federal and state Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and statutory disability, workers’ compensation and leave laws, and are working to design their absence plans and policies to comply.


LAAHU and VCAHU 5th Annual Medicare Summit– We’ll see you here!

August 20-21, Pickwick Gardens, Burbank

Join Los Angeles and Ventura County Health Underwriters to “Become a Medicare Icon.” Speakers, breakouts, CE and much more! Sponsorship and exhibit info here.  Register here.

NAHU Region VIII Leadership Conference

August 25-26, The Queen Mary, Long Beach

Training and strategic planning for all local board positions, plus an opportunity to network with other leaders. Early bird pricing of $149 includes evening reception on 8/25 and a full day of conference on 8/26. Stay in a deluxe stateroom for only $129. Patrick Burns, NAHU Region VIII vp, will preside as ship captain. The event is hosted by LAAHU and OCAHU.

Association of Health Underwriters Senior Summit– We’ll see you here!

August 28-29, Pechanga Resort & Casino, Temecula

The Sixth Annual Senior Summit sponsored by the Inland Empire, Orange County and San Diego Associations of Health Underwriters is the largest AHU Medicare event in the country. Keynotes, breakout sessions, CE and much more. Early bird pricing in effect until Aug 1: $79 for members, $99 for nonmembers. Register here.


NAAIA National Conference

Sept 11-13, Atlanta

Leaders from across the insurance and financial services profession will come together at this high ­energy industry event to further the education, advancement and uplifting of African American insurance professionals. More info soon at www.naaia.org.

DCAHU 3rd Annual Medicare Summit

Sept 19, Villa Portofino Clubhouse, 4001 Via Portofino, Palm Desert

Scan Face to Face Level 3 Certification and much, much more!  Here’s the full schedule for the Desert Cities Association of Health Underwriters Medicare Summit:

Registration 8:30 a.m. – Continental Breakfast Provided

Course 9-11 a.m.

2 Medicare C.E.s & Vendor Lunch Meeting

“Understanding Social Security for the Medicare Agent”

Presented by Maggie Stedt

“Group Benefits vs. Medicare Benefits”

Presented by David Garcia from Warner Pacific

11a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Aetna 2020 Benefits Overview Face to Face

Course 2:30-3:30 p.m. 

Advance tickets are only $40.00 – all Inclusive. After September 16 tickets are $65. Register here.

Alliance of Comprehensive Planners 2019 Annual Conference
Nov. 12-15, Hyatt Regency Mission Bay, San Diego

​​​​​​The Alliance of Comprehensive Planners (ACP)  is a community of tax-focused financial planners who provide planning strategies for clients on a fee-only retainer basis. Conference early bird registration rates (which expire Oct. 11, 2019) are in effect now. Participation is open to all interested financial professionals. Companies interested in sponsoring the ACP Annual Conference should contact Jill Colsch at jill@acplanners.org. The agenda is available here: https://2019.acplanners.org/home. More info here.

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